If you need help explaining to your kids that your president is bad guy and that opposing him is patriotic, I have some experience…
— Garry Kasparov (@Kasparov63) November 9, 2016
This is how Katy Perry feels about her parents voting for Trump https://t.co/MYPq5FsDDh http://pic.twitter.com/O0wEVNavFw
— TIME (@TIME) November 9, 2016
Half of America voted for this monster. Half. I'm beyond embarrassed. http://pic.twitter.com/K1Nm6iPRIi
— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) November 9, 2016
The Supreme Court. The Justice Department. The FBI. We handed it over to someone who thinks the Central Park Five should’ve been executed
— Joel D. Anderson (@byjoelanderson) November 9, 2016
Bye bye bank regulations.
Bye bye dealing with climate change.
Bye bye health care.
Bye bye diplomacy.#electionnight— Adam McKay (@GhostPanther) November 9, 2016
MSNBC: "If people want change in Washington, why are they voting to return so many incumbents to Congress?" #ElectionNight
— Billy Corben (@BillyCorben) November 9, 2016
Trump literally said he grabs women by the pussy on camera and human beings still voted for him today.
— BenDavid Grabinski (@bdgrabinski) November 9, 2016
Most undercovered story of 2016: today is 1st presidential election in 50 years without full protections of Voting Rights Act http://pic.twitter.com/ARVvBRnVzb
— Ari Berman (@AriBerman) November 8, 2016
Watching the world economy crash over Trump winning presidency lol #Election2016 http://pic.twitter.com/89n2V3Hpyb
— Left Arm of K-One! (@ZettaiAhoge) November 9, 2016
Auf der anderen Seite: Wenn Trump Präsident werden kann, kann ich nächstes Jahr auch Bundeskanzler werden.
— Christopher Lauer (@Schmidtlepp) November 9, 2016
People ask why women don't report sexual assault. You got your answer: a man can have double digit accusers & still be elected President.
— Liz Strand (@LizStrand) November 9, 2016
— Froschdomse (@froschdomse) November 9, 2016
When you trust your wife to vote for you, but not really. http://pic.twitter.com/tLprW7iXI3
— Master of None (@Gabbienain) November 8, 2016
@janboehm Immer drauf
— Christopher Lauer (@Schmidtlepp) November 7, 2016
Heute Abend ab 23 Uhr: #BöhmisWahlLokal 🇺🇸 zur #USElections2016 hier im Internet. Live als Videostream. 🎉
— Jan Böhmermann (@janboehm) November 8, 2016
Frank Thelen im Interview: Bauch an Kopf: kaufen! – brand eins online:Frank Thelen im Interview
#USElections2016 Countdown: Follow @googlenewslab for updates on @electionland and our fantastic @GoogleTrends team for real-time data http://pic.twitter.com/N4m0MxfKEV
— Isa Sonnenfeld (@isasun) November 8, 2016
Unless you want to desolder flash memory from the motherboard, looks like it's impossible to add new games to NES Classic. http://pic.twitter.com/jc99WSrNJj
— Peter Brown (@PCBrown) November 2, 2016
Trump is America's Bin Laden, both came from money and used it to fuck up New York's skyline. #NeverForget
— Jena Friedman (@JenaFriedman) November 3, 2016
If Trump wins, does that mean none of us should pay taxes?
— Jena Friedman (@JenaFriedman) November 3, 2016
It begins. http://pic.twitter.com/sIqgGZcKfF
— Zach Cole (@ZachACole) November 2, 2016
Cute or too much? http://pic.twitter.com/mEqPcfmoUX
— Zach Cole (@ZachACole) October 31, 2016
World Series: Chicago Tribune & the Sun-Times. Staff Photographers v No Staff Photographers. Any questions? #photojournalism @briancassella http://pic.twitter.com/LHLQ1VFl1o
— Jim Colton (@JimmyColton) November 3, 2016
(1) Arabische Großfamilien in Berlin: Die Macht der Clans – Seite 0 – Reportageseite – Tagesspiegel:
@redletterdave Staying on top of the latest tech news is important. Glad I could help out!
— Stewart Butterfield (@stewart) November 2, 2016
That feeling when you think "we should buy a full page in the Times and publish an open letter," and then you do. 💫 http://pic.twitter.com/BQiEawRA6d
— Stewart Butterfield (@stewart) November 2, 2016
Henry Ford im Gerichtsstreit mit den Dodge-Brüdern – brand eins online:„Ein Unternehmen ist zuerst dazu da, einen Gewinn für seine Aktionäre zu erwirtschaften. Die Tätigkeit der Direktoren muss diesem Ziel dienen.“