"Herr Pilot! Es geht um eine wichtige Information, ich muss eine Durchsage machen! Schnell!"
"Liebe Passagiere, ich bin Veganer."
— Das Netzteil (@Grolmori) November 15, 2016
Leute, die einen 6.000-Zeichen-Post auf Facebook absetzen.
Weiß man da schon Genaueres?
— Das Netzteil (@Grolmori) November 13, 2016
Wenn neben dir im Bus jemand sitzt und riecht wie ein nasser Hund und du dich umdrehst und es ein nasser Hund ist.
— Das Netzteil (@Grolmori) November 12, 2016
Kennen Sie das, wenn sie schon vor dem ersten Kaffee fit und energiegeladen sind?
Ich auch nicht.
— Das Netzteil (@Grolmori) November 10, 2016
"Endlich das neue MacBook Pro für 3.000 Flocken bestellt.
— Das Netzteil (@Grolmori) November 15, 2016
Trump can now loot millions of dollars from the Secret Service with no disclosure – Vox:Now, you might be saying to yourself that this is ridiculous and no public official would be so reckless with his political standing as to loot the Treasury in this manner.
But this is exactly what Trump did during the campaign, billing the federal government $6 million for granting Secret Service agents the right to fly on his plane. The reason we know that is because it was a political campaign, so all the financial details were filed with the Federal Election Commission. With the campaign over, however, the plane just becomes part of Trump’s opaque web of privately held companies, so the amount of money he is funneling from the federal government into his pocket won’t be disclosed on that end.
Leaked footage of Trump driving to Washington D.C. #TrumpRiot http://pic.twitter.com/xBGrJvymxM
— Deplorable Drew (@drewmistak) November 11, 2016
The forces that drove this election’s media failure are likely to get worse » Nieman Journalism Lab:
Whoever did this I'm throwin' hands http://pic.twitter.com/9Xn1YaCFmK
— Chris Weatherd ™ (@Chris_Weatherd) November 9, 2016
It was the rise of the Davos class that sealed America’s fate | Naomi Klein | Opinion | The Guardian:Here is what we need to understand: a hell of a lot of people are in pain. Under neoliberal policies of deregulation, privatisation, austerity and corporate trade, their living standards have declined precipitously. They have lost jobs. They have lost pensions. They have lost much of the safety net that used to make these losses less frightening. They see a future for their kids even worse than their precarious present.
Was ich sooooooo bemerkenswert finde: Diese ganzen Trump-Mechanismen konnte man so 1 zu 1 bei der Piratenpartei beobachten, bemerkenswert.
— Christopher Lauer (@Schmidtlepp) November 9, 2016
Einkaufswagen kosten 1 Euro. Wer sich mit dem Oberkörper weit vorbeugt, bekommt auch acht für 1 Euro. Das ist doch kein durchdachtes System!
— Peter Breuer (@peterbreuer) November 9, 2016
Private prison stocks are skyrocketing right now because of Trump's win. #NotMyPresident http://pic.twitter.com/oVv59Uzbkp
— Tariq Nasheed (@tariqnasheed) November 9, 2016
Tomorrow: journalists who have been completely, cosmically wrong about the election will start explaining to the rest of us what happened
— Pinboard (@Pinboard) November 9, 2016
Assange going to get a big, beautiful, gigabit connection
— Pinboard (@Pinboard) November 9, 2016
I wouldn’t want to be Edward Snowden right now
— Pinboard (@Pinboard) November 9, 2016
Don’t blame me, I voted for Giant Meteor
— Pinboard (@Pinboard) November 9, 2016
Just tried to text "apple" to my husband and it immediately autocorrected to apocalypse, so…
— Laura Benanti (@LauraBenanti) November 9, 2016
If you work at Google or Facebook, please start a meaningful internal conversation about giving people tools to scrub their behavioral data.
— Pinboard (@Pinboard) November 9, 2016
May seem trivial, but its my corner: tech companies should immediately go to end-to-end encryption and ponder alternative financial models.
— Zeynep Tufekci (@zeynep) November 9, 2016
With one of the new president’s most outspoken supporters on its board, Facebook is in an excellent position to win big in 2017
— Pinboard (@Pinboard) November 9, 2016
I bet this isn’t how Alec Baldwin thought he’d be spending the next four years
— Pinboard (@Pinboard) November 9, 2016
We still haven’t heard if Trump will accept the results of the election
— Pinboard (@Pinboard) November 9, 2016
Techies in the US, we have two months now to think about what kind of data we’re collecting and storing on people, and do the right thing
— Pinboard (@Pinboard) November 9, 2016
Just some disenfranchised Americans desperate for change because the country hasn't been working for them http://pic.twitter.com/oPPGQeNd8k
— amil (@amil) November 9, 2016
Bin ich froh, dass wir eine Kanzlerin haben, die selbstbewusst unsere Werte verteidigt und nicht vor autoritären Knallköppen einknickt.
— Jan Böhmermann (@janboehm) November 9, 2016
Guten Morgen, Deutschland.
Oma und Opa sagen: Alles halb so wild, wir haben schon schlimmeres überlebt.
— Jan Böhmermann (@janboehm) November 9, 2016
This is how the millennials voted. Hoping this means the next generation will turn this planet around http://pic.twitter.com/TZrUv4LEbz
— Theresa Caney (@Theresa_Caney) November 9, 2016
Let us be crystal fucking clear who is responsible. http://pic.twitter.com/aaj3nkvdKO
— Emily Squires (@rogue_fireball) November 9, 2016