The Netflix Tech Blog: Four Reasons We Choose Amazon’s Cloud as Our Computing Platform:Four Reasons We Choose Amazon’s Cloud as Our Computing Platform

Netflix God Mode Bookmarklet:

WHEN YOU LIVE IN BERLIN • When you see cyclists riding with selfie sticks:

The White House modernizes its homepage with new responsive design | The Verge:

SoundCloud starts working with YouTube’s partner to scan music for copyright infringement | The Verge:

Facebook says it tracked people who didn’t use Facebook because of ‚a bug‘ | The Verge:

Tidal’s secret weapon isn’t celebrities: It’s Live Nation | The Verge:

Vorratsdatenspeicherung bei NSU-Ermittlungen: Polizei erhielt und rasterte 32 Millionen Vorratsdaten – erfolglos |

American police killed more people in March (111) than the entire UK police have killed since 1900:

KRASS: Breaking down Amazon’s mega dropdown:

Charleston USA: Michael Slager nach Schüssen auf Schwarzen wegen Mordes angeklagt – SPIEGEL ONLINE:

Can They See My Dick?:

Here’s how some people reacted to 2007 iPhone keynote:

Von Beat zu Bea: Transgender-Menschen in der IT-Branche | heise online:

Dogs Who Have Just Made Poor Life Choices:

DGPPN: Detailansicht:

Fefes Blog:

Meanwhile In Japan…:

What Stock Photo Models Are Really Thinking:

Guy Creates Fake Self-Help Books and Leaves Them at a Local Bookstore:

Meet Fritz: Dog Who Is Hilariously Terrible at Catching Food:

Cats With Cartoon Mouths:

Prankster Creates Reviews and Leaves Them at Local Appliance Store:

If Disney Princesses Had Realistic Hair…:

Camouflaged Cats that Win at Hide and Seek:

Hilarious Prank Ideas for April Fools’ Day:

What Your Cat Really Thinks:

Crazy Bacon Products That Actually Exist:

The Real Meaning of Words:

Your Fitness App is Making You Fat, Here’s Why – Nir and Far:

Tröglitz: Feuer in Flüchtlingsheim laut Polizei vorsätzlich gelegt – SPIEGEL ONLINE:

Convicted operator of revenge porn website sentenced to 18 years in prison | The Verge:

How to watch the shortest lunar eclipse of the century | The Verge:

Momma Tried (US) –

Tesla sales banned by West Virginia, whose Senate president is also an auto dealer | The Verge:

Chelsea Manning is tweeting from prison | The Verge:

George R.R. Martin is working on a new HBO series | The Verge:

CGI–Bauhaus Archiv on Behance:

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