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Der akkurateste Block seit es Demos gibt!
— Christopher Lauer (@Schmidtlepp) August 30, 2014
Burning Man | Paul Ripke BlogPaul Ripke Blog:Burning Man
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LESENSWERT!!! A Line Is Drawn in the Desert – Hanson, who started going to Burning Man in 1995, decided a couple of years ago to try working as a paid Sherpa at one of these luxury camps. He described the experience this way: Lavish R.V.s are driven in and connected together to create a private forted area, ensuring that no outsiders can get in. The rich are flown in on private planes, then picked up at the Burning Man airport, driven to their camp and served like kings and queens for a week. (Their meals are prepared by teams of chefs, which can include sushi, lobster boils and steak tartare — yes, in the middle of 110-degree heat.)
“Your food, your drugs, your costumes are all handled for you, so all you have to do is show up,” Mr. Hanson said. “In the camp where I was working, there were about 30 Sherpas for 12 attendees.”
Mr. Hanson said he won’t be going back to Burning Man anytime soon. The Sherpas, the money, the blockaded camps and the tech elite were too much for him. “The tech start-ups now go to Burning Man and eat drugs in search of the next greatest app,” he said. “Burning Man is no longer a counterculture revolution. It’s now become a mirror of society.”
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Ferguson : Der Tag, an dem die US-Polizei mein Feind wurde – Nachrichten Politik – Ausland – DIE WELT:Für mich ist das alles eine neue Erfahrung. Ich war in etlichen Krisengebieten, ich war in Bürgerkriegsregionen in Georgien, im Gazastreifen, illegal im Kaliningrader Gebiet, als die damalige Sowjetunion westlichen Reisenden den Zugang noch streng verwehrte, ich war in Afghanistan, im Irak, in Vietnam und in China, ich habe heimlich Dissidenten auf Kuba getroffen. Aber um mich von Polizisten fesseln und rüde anschnauzen zu lassen und ein Gefängnis von innen zu sehen, musste ich nach Ferguson und St. Louis in Missouri in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika reisen.