NSA soll massenhaft Mails bei Google und Yahoo abgreifen und den Vatikan bespitzeln | heise online NSA soll massenhaft Mails bei Google und Yahoo abgreifen und den Vatikan bespitzeln
Facebook-Umsatz wächst um 60 Prozent | heise online Facebook-Umsatz wächst um 60 Prozent
Teenage Girl In India Hangs Herself After Parents Tell Her She Can’t Have A Facebook Profile : nottheonion Teenage Girl In India Hangs Herself After Parents Tell Her She Can’t Have A Facebook Profile
Parents did not report their daughter’s gunshot wound because they thought it was her period : nottheonion Parents did not report their daughter’s gunshot wound because they thought it was her period
Nevada lawmaker says he’d vote for slavery if his constituents wanted him to : nottheonion Nevada lawmaker says he’d vote for slavery if his constituents wanted him to
‚Mambo No.5‘ singer Lou Bega ‚receives tons of condolences‘ following death of Lou Reed : nottheonion ‚Mambo No.5‘ singer Lou Bega ‚receives tons of condolences‘ following death of Lou Reed
R Kelly may have hired impersonator R Jelly to perform in his place this weekend, who then came on stage 3 hours late. : nottheonion R Kelly may have hired impersonator R Jelly to perform in his place this weekend, who then came on stage 3 hours late.
Man buys $27 of bitcoin, forgets about them, finds they’re now worth $886k : nottheonion Man buys $27 of bitcoin, forgets about them, finds they’re now worth $886k
DreamWorks Acquires 8th Grader’s Journal On How ’50s Advice Guide Made Her Popular : nottheonion DreamWorks Acquires 8th Grader’s Journal On How ’50s Advice Guide Made Her Popular
Kim Kardashian is more influential than Michelle Obama and should be on the cover of Vogue, says Kanye West : nottheonion Kim Kardashian is more influential than Michelle Obama and should be on the cover of Vogue, says Kanye West
NSA infiltrates links to Yahoo, Google data centers worldwide, Snowden documents say – The Washington Post The National Security Agency has secretly broken into the main communications links that connect Yahoo and Google data centers around the world, according to documents obtained from former NSA contractor Edward Snowden and interviews with knowledgeable officials.
Dell laptops ‚have cat urine smell‘ : nottheonion Dell laptops ‚have cat urine smell‘
Why So Many Icelanders Still Believe in Invisible Elves : nottheonion Why So Many Icelanders Still Believe in Invisible Elves
www.golem.de Bittorrent-Index: Isohunt zwei Wochen nach der Schließung wieder da
www.golem.de NSA-Skandal: Friedrich fordert regionalen Mailverkehr
Ein Gespenst geht immer noch um in Europa : Burks‘ Blog Ein Gespenst geht immer noch um in Europa
Adobe: Hacker haben 38 Millionen Kundendaten erbeutet | ZEIT ONLINE Adobe: Hacker haben 38 Millionen Kundendaten erbeutet
Guardian-Aufdecker Greenwald über die NSA-Enthüllungen | ZEIT ONLINE Glenn Greenwald: "Der Überwachungsstaat ergreift nun die Macht im Netz"
www.golem.de Smartphone: Facebook hat Interesse an Blackberry
My Lai, Sexual Assault and the Black Blouse Girl: Forty-Five Years Later, One of America’s Most Iconic Photos Hides Truth in Plain Sight — BagNews My Lai, Sexual Assault and the Black Blouse Girl: Forty-Five Years Later, One of America’s Most Iconic Photos Hides Truth in Plain Sight
Facebook researchers are trying to predict when you and your spouse will break up | The Verge Facebook researchers are trying to predict when you and your spouse will break up
ZDF MoMa IM Friedrich Interview: NSA Skandal – "Ich werde nicht zurücktreten" – 29.10.2013 – YouTube ZDF MoMa: – IM Friedrich Interview zum NSA Skandal – "Ich werde nicht zurücktreten" – 29.10.2013
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Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft verordnet Forschern Open Access | heise online Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft verordnet Forschern Open Access
SPRENGSATZ _Das Politik-Blog aus Berlin» Blog Archive » Journalismus statt Inka und Johannes B. Journalismus statt Inka und Johannes B.
So nehmen Informanten sicher Kontakt zum SPIEGEL auf – SPIEGEL ONLINE Guideline für Informanten: So nehmen Sie sicher Kontakt zum SPIEGEL auf
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Autolobby hat das Effizienzlabel für Autos selbst geschrieben | LobbyControl Autolobby hat das Effizienzlabel für Autos selbst geschrieben