„Rapidshare ist so legal wie die Swisscom oder Youtube“ – Netzwoche
LESENSWERT!!! Apple, America and a Squeezed Middle Class – NYTimes.com In 2007, a little over a month before the iPhone was scheduled to appear in stores, Mr. Jobs beckoned a handful of lieutenants into an office. For weeks, he had been carrying a prototype of the device in his pocket.
Mr. Jobs angrily held up his iPhone, angling it so everyone could see the dozens of tiny scratches marring its plastic screen, according to someone who attended the meeting. He then pulled his keys from his jeans.
People will carry this phone in their pocket, he said. People also carry their keys in their pocket. “I won’t sell a product that gets scratched,” he said tensely. The only solution was using unscratchable glass instead. “I want a glass screen, and I want it perfect in six weeks.”
After one executive left that meeting, he booked a flight to Shenzhen, China. If Mr. Jobs wanted perfect, there was nowhere else to go.
@holger_stark on twitter: „Im neuen #SPIEGEL enthüllen wir, wie Kurras #Ohnesorg am 2. Juni 67 eiskalt tötete – und wie die #Polizei den Todesschuss vertuschen wollte.“
@Kostadamus on twitter: „“Schatz, ich finde keinen Browser auf deinem Laptop.“ – „Da ist er doch, Internet Explorer.“ – „Oh Gott!“ – „Was ist lo..“ – „RAUS HIER!““
@siegstyle on twitter: „Deine Mudda bringt ihre Kodak-Filme zu Schlecker.“
@DerBulo on twitter: „Überlege gerade, in den nächsten Schlecker zu stürmen und zu rufen „IHR SEID FREI!““
@haekelschwein on twitter: „Samsung ist übrigens gar kein Plagiator, sondern hat nur die Quellenangaben vergessen.“
@Afelia on twitter: „Achja liebe Organisationen und manchmal gar Journalisten: CAPS-LOCK in EMAILS lässt euch kein Stück PROFESSIONELLER wirken. ;)“
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